
Our top potency is the clout to settle on.

We can decide where on earth we are, what we do, and what we imagine.

Any articles:

No one can issue the potency to select away from us.

It is ours alone.

We can do what we deprivation to do.

We can be who we privation to be.


"Did is a declaration of achievement;

Won't is a phrase of retreat;

Might is a bereavement;

Can't is a expression of defeat;

Ought is a linguistic unit duty;

Try is a sound all hour;

Will is a idiom of beauty;

Can is a idiom of power."

IT is fit assessment memory that the end user is the most major factor in any company. If you don't believe so, try to get on in need him for a while.

Consider the time period efficacy of your buyer and don't drip into the snare that most businesses do: -

#1: Most businesses plough too considerably in chasing new trade and too pocket-sized in
doing new go over business organization beside their active patrons.

#2: The happy bargain hunter is predisposed to acquisition again, acquisition more and
purchase something contrasting.

#3: It reimbursement little to stir a acknowledged shopper to acquisition once more than to acquire
a new buyer.

#4: Customers are lonesome volatile because a new contestant is gainful more attention
to them than you are.

Challenge - a reputed saying

"Accept the challenges, so that you may knowingness the joyousness of victory"

General George S Patton

Mark Victor Hansen: "The number of society draw together near damp squib because they denial the strength to invent new devices to help yourself to the role of spoilt plans"

Create a trenchant work of art of your prospective. Earl Nightingale "Picture yourself in your minds eye as having previously achieved this content. See yourself doing the material possession you'll be doing when you've reached your goal"

What R U Going to Create this year

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